Traction Rec Integration
Traction Rec Integration (ycloudyusa/openy_traction_rec
This module provides YMCA Website Services integration with the Traction Rec CRM.
- JWT OAuth flow is used for the integration: OAuth 2.0 JWT Bearer Flow for Server-to-Server Integration
- The Drupal Key module assists with key management for authentication.
Require this module:
composer require ycloudyusa/openy_traction_rec
Then enable the necessary modules and submodules:
drush en openy_traction_rec openy_traction_rec_import openy_tr_activity_finder
The main module itself provides only API that helps fetch data from TractionRec. More specific functionality is provided in submodules:
YMCA Website Services Traction Rec: PEF import
provides PEF migrations.YMCA Website Services Traction Rec: Activity Finder
extends YMCA Website Services Activity Finder with the new fields and logic.
Create a Connected App in Salesforce
- Create a new private key and X509 certificate, customizing the
options in the command to suit your organization. (See the manual for openssl-req to understand the options here.)openssl req -x509 -noenc -sha256 -days 365 \ -keyout traction_rec.key \ -out traction_rec.crt \ -subj "/C=US/ST=Illinois/L=Chicago/O=My YMCA/OU=Org/"
- The email address in the certificate does not need to match the email on the Connected App.
- The certificate must be renewed yearly (or after the set number of
). We recommend you set a reminder in order to prevent unwanted failures.
- In Salesforce > Setup > App Manager, create a New Connected App.
- Set a Name and Email.
- The Contact Email is not used for authentication.
- Check Enable OAuth Settings
- Set the callback url as the base URL of your site
- Check Use digital signatures and upload the X509 certificate (
) created above. - Ensure the app has the following Selected OAuth Scopes
- Full access (full)
- Manage user data via APIs (api)
- Manage user data via Web browsers (web)
- Perform requests at any time (refresh_token, offline_access)
- Check these options:
- Require Proof Key for Code Exchange (PKCE) Extension for Supported Authorization Flows
- Issue JSON Web Token (JWT)-based access tokens for named users
- Uncheck all other options in the OAuth section.
- Save the Connected App
- Set a Name and Email.
- Once the app is saved, you will need to get the Consumer Details:
- In the “My Connected App” screen that appears once you save (or via Setup > App Manager), click Manage Consumer Details.
- Save the Consumer Key and Consumer Secret for the next step.
- Connect your new Connected App to a User. The attached User’s email will be the one used to authenticate the app.
- If necessary, create a user via Setup > Users > New User
- Assign the User to a Profile or Permission Set that has the necessary permissions.
- Go to Setup > Connected Apps > Manage Connected Apps and choose your new app. Assign the profile or permission set that contains your new user.
- In the Connect App Detail, click Edit Policies, then under OAuth Policies > Permitted Users choose Admin approved users are pre-authorized, then Save.
Review all of these steps carefully. Missing any of them can result in an inability to query the API.
Salesforce permissions
The Salesforce integration role/permission set should have read access to all fields in the following objects:
- Course
- Course Option
- Course Session
- Course Session Option
- Location
- Product and Discount
- Program
- Program Category
- Program Category Tag
It should also have the following Systems Permissions:
- Apex REST Services
- View Restriction and Scoping Rules
- Update Consent Preferences Using REST API
Configure the connection in Drupal
- Go to Admin > Configuration > System > Keys (
) and create a new key to store the private key created above.- Add key
- Add a Key name and Description
- Choose Key Type: “TractionRec JWT Private Key”
- Choose the Key provider depending on your configuration. See Managing Keys for details.
- Configure the chosen provider then Save the key.
- Go to Admin > YMCA Website Services > Integrations > Traction Rec > Traction Rec auth settings (
) to configure the keys & secrets provided by Traction Rec.- Add the Consumer key and Consumer Secret from Manage Consumer Details in Salesforce.
- Add the User connected to the Connected App.
- This is the email of the User, not the Contact email.
- Enter a Login URL.
- This will most likely be
- This will most likely be
- Set the Services base URL and REST API Base URL as per their descriptions.
- Ensure the REST API Base URL responds to
curl -I
with a200
response. If you use a URL like*
instead of*
it may result in a redirect, which will cause fetches to fail.
- Ensure the REST API Base URL responds to
- Set the Community URL based on the publicly accessible registration links.
- This may be something like
- The URL can be found in Salesforce under Setup > Digital Experiences > All Sites.
- This may be something like
- Choose the key as configured above.
See modules/openy_traction_rec_import/
Data Model
This module assumes a Traction Rec “standard” data model in its queries. Any deviations from this model will require overriding the queries in src/TractionRec.php
This model contains a subset of the fields in Traction Rec that are relevant to our usage. All entities have more fields than listed.
Field types are taken from Salesforce’s Setup > Object Manager > {Entity} > Fields & Relationships.
- Number field options are:
number(length_decimal places)
erDiagram Program_Category__c { id Id text(80) Name } Program__c { id Id text(80) Name checkbox Available__c textArea(255) Description__c } Program_Category_Tag__c { id Id autoNumber Name lookup(Program) Program__c lookup(Program_Category) Program_Category_c } Course__c { id Id text(80) Name checkbox Available__c text(128) Code__c longTextArea(640) Description__c lookup(Program) Program__c richTextArea Rich_Description__c } Course_Session__c { id Id text(80) Name checkbox Available__C text(128) Code__c lookup(Course) Course__c longTextArea(640) Description__c number(18_0) Num_Option_Entitlements__c lookup(ProductAndDiscount) Product__C richTextArea Rich_Description__c sum Total_Option_Capacity__c formula(number) Total_Option_Capacity_Remaining__C sum Total_Option_Registrants__c count Total_Options_Available__c } Course_Option__c { id Id text(80) Name number(3_1) Age_Max__c number(3_1) Age_Min__c checkbox Available__c number(18_0) Capacity__c picklist(multiSelect) Day_of_Week__c date End_Date__c text(8) End_Time__c text(128) Instructor__c lookup(ProductAndDiscount) Product__c number(18_0) Registration_Total_c longTextArea(3500) Setup_Notes__c number(3_0) Setup_Time_Required___c date Start_Date__c text(8) Start_Time__c longTextArea(3500) Tear_Down_Notes__c number(3_0) Tear_Down_Time_Required__C } Course_Session_Option__c { id Id autoNumber Name lookup(CourseOption) Course_Option__c masterDetail(CourseSession) Course_Session__c checkbox Option_Available__c number(18_0) Option_Capacity__c number(18_0) Option_Registration_Total__c } Program_Category__c ||--|{ Program_Category_Tag__c : "" Program__c ||--|{ Program_Category_Tag__c : "" Program__c ||--|{ Course__c : "" Course__c ||--|{ Course_Session__c : "" Course_Session__c ||--|{ Course_Session_Option__c : "" Course_Option__c ||--|{ Course_Session_Option__c : ""
The module allows you to synchronize classes and programs from the Traction Rec CRM to the YMCA Website Services Program Event Framework (PEF).
It uses Migrate API to import data fetched from Traction Rec and provides Drush commands and a configuration UI.
The import process consists of 2 drush
this command fetches required data from Traction Rec and saves it to JSON files.- Alias:
- Alias:
the command migrates fetched JSON files to YMCA Website Services and creates sessions, classes, activities, categories and programs.- Alias:
- Alias:
You can run the commands manually for one-time import or add both to cron jobs.
Other available drush
- Rolls back all imported nodes.- Alias:
- Alias:
- Resets import lock.- Alias:
- Alias:
- Removes imported JSON files from the filesystem.- Alias:
- Alias: